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Daytona Beach

At the beach


An electric bike at Black Bike Week


Taken at the "clean & sober" party in Bunnell, FL on 3/6/11


Riding back to camp after the party in Bunnell, photo compliments of Ohio Terry


Final heat of the slow race at the party in Bunnell, Larry came in 2nd


This is the Sons of Light tent where we serve the pancake breakfast.




Our Bunkhouse camper; our home away from home during bike week

Tony, Huck, Dee, Ohio Terry, Kathy & Larry

Rocket Launch during the bike drop at The Cabbage Patch Bar


Larry & Brother Bert, Froggy's Parking Lot in Daytona Beach, 2005


Bro. Bert cutting Larry's braid off to send to Locks of Love, Daytona 2005


"Japanese Hanging Gardens" at The Last Resort Bar