Our Mission
Dedicated to bringing people
Events Calendar
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Our Mission

Locked Down For The Lord Prison Ministry, Inc. was formed and is dedicated to bringing people to Christ.  Our primary focus will be to those in the prison system.  We have been ministering in prisons and jails for 4 years, mainly in Arkansas, but we plan to expand our outreach into other states.  At the present time, Larry visits a county jail and ministers at several state prisons in Arkansas weekly.  He visits one on one with the inmates, reads Scripture to them or with them, encourages them, prays with them and listens to their concerns.  We have provided Bibles and Bible study materials to inmates.  Several inmates write to us on a regular basis and we try to encourage them through our letters.  Our purpose in doing this is to show the inmates that God loves them and there are Christian people who care about them.  We encourage them to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, read the Bible, and pray.  We also try to keep in contact with inmates after they are released.  We believe it is very important that they have a Christian support network after they go home.
Our secondary ministry focus will be at secular motorcycle events.   Several years ago, Larry was a member of an outlaw motorcycle club.  We have been going to these motorcycle events for over 15 years now, but our focus the last 4 years has been to witness for Christ at these rallies.  Larry is accepted by the bikers because of his past.  We have conducted worship services and bike blessings at these events, prayed with people, handed out Bibles, tracts, and ice water, and helped bikers who were broke down.  We have traveled as far as Florida and South Dakota and would love to expand our outreach to include rallies in New Hampshire and California.  Again, our main purpose is showing the bikers that God loves them and that we, as Christian bikers, care about them too.

Locked Down For The Lord Prison Ministry, Inc. was formed and is dedicated to bringing people to Christ.  Our primary focus will be to those in the prison system.  We have been ministering in prisons and jails for 4 years, mainly in Arkansas, but we plan to expand our outreach into other states.  At the present time, Larry visits a county jail and ministers at several state prisons in Arkansas weekly.  He visits one on one with the inmates, reads Scripture to them or with them, encourages them, prays with them and listens to their concerns.  We have provided Bibles and Bible study materials to inmates.  Several inmates write to us on a regular basis and we try to encourage them through our letters.  Our purpose in doing this is to show the inmates that God loves them and there are Christian people who care about them.  We encourage them to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, read the Bible, and pray.  We also try to keep in contact with inmates after they are released.  We believe it is very important that they have a Christian support network after they go home. Our secondary ministry focus will be at secular motorcycle events.   Several years ago, Larry was a member of an outlaw motorcycle club.  We have been going to these motorcycle events for over 15 years now, but our focus the last 4 years has been to witness for Christ at these rallies.  Larry is accepted by the bikers because of his past.  We have conducted worship services and bike blessings at these events, prayed with people, handed out Bibles, tracts, and ice water, and helped bikers who were broke down.  We have traveled as far as Florida and South Dakota and would love to expand our outreach to include rallies in New Hampshire and California.  Again, our main purpose is showing the bikers that God loves them and that we, as Christian bikers, care about them too.